Tuesday, August 10, 2010


为什么人生必须不停地做选择呢?每天大大小小的事,连说句话都要选。选这到底该不该说,说后会有什么后果等等... 真奇怪, 为什么就得选呢?
做选择, 我怕了... 害怕做了错的决定而后悔不已, 因为错了而后悔...
选择去unimas, 我错了...
选择什么都不说, 好像又错了...
选择送妈妈去GH, 真的错了...
选择原谅哥哥, 彻底地错了...
选择做part time, 不懂是不是错了...
是时候决定回不回去古晋好呢?回去了会开心吗?也许会,因为我好想你们,也许不会,因为妈妈违背了她的承诺。还记得爸妈送我到unimas后,他们在回去之前给了我电话。妈妈说他们快飞了,要我好好照顾自己。她说他们还会来古晋的,那时就是我毕业的时候了。她还说到时候一定要到处跑跑,在古晋多留几天。可是现在妈妈不在了,计划泡汤了,承诺也违背了... 我了解妈妈她不想的,可是...
再来,轮到我的未来了。老豆希望我再读下去,那我自己怎么想呢?再读下去,我行吗?那找份工作,我又行吗?不懂,我真的不懂... 害怕我又做错选择了...
可是,我说人生就是不停地做选择,那又为什么有些事情就不由得我们来选呢?就比如为什么我不能选不要这样的哥哥?无可救药的他是个陌生人那有多好呢... 但就是不由得我选... 为什么呢?


Chris said...

haha...dun think so much...follow your feeling...u think u need more time to adapt working life then go study lo...like me previously think so much also no use ba...end up also working like cow in singapore...my dear friend...decision is hard to make but is more better tat is make by your own not other to do decision for you...keep it up...jia you

Anonymous said...

no matter what you choose we will support you, do what ever you want to, follow your heart, this is your life, you are the one decided what is the content inside your story.

Anonymous said...

choose what you want, follow your heart, this is your life, you are the one decided the content of your story, no matter what decision you make we will support you.